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Study in Australia

Australia is the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. Its capital is Canberra, located in the southeast between the larger and more important economic and cultural centers of Sydney and Melbourne.

Australia’s established world reputation has long been that of a wealthy, underpopulated country and today the population consists of more than 270 ethnic groups.

According to the United Nations, Australia is the second-best country in the world to live, due to its excellent quality of life index.

Australia profile

Also known as: Commonwealth of Australia
Capital: Canberra
Population: (2021 est.) 25,892,000
Major Languages: English
Area: 7,688,126 Sq Km)
Monetary Unit: Australian Dollar ($AUD)
Gni Per Capita (US $): (2020) 51,390
International dialing code: +61

Why study in Australia?

  • World class education and top universities
  • Incredible natural beauty in a comfortable climate
  • Great lifestyle and quality of life
  • Culturally diverse
  • Great work opportunities – post study work visa
  • Work while you study